To browse Academia. Reflection in theory and practice is one of the most important objectives of teacher education. In an increasing manner, greater emphasis has been put on reflective applications in teacher education since s. In the reflective education system, based on the views of John Dewey, students are allowed to set their learning goals and freely explain their opinions in democratic setting. For history teaching to be effective and efficient there is a need for the effective use of reflective applications. Alan F. Griffin and other research on reflective thinking, the importance of reflective teaching in history teacher education will be explained. Key words: Reflective teaching, teaching history, pre-service history teacher, Alan F. The argument in this paper is that insights from teacher thinking have contributed a great deal to the notion of reflective teaching in teacher education. After clarifying some of the definitions of reflection as they are revealed in the literature, the area of teacher thinking is brought into the topic by highlighting the importance of understanding the way teachers think about their work. In the final section of the paper suggestions about some procedures that could foster teachers' reflection on their practices are presented. Reflective teaching as the self-inquiry and evaluation of teacher performance has turned to be a buzzword in language teaching. In spite San Andreas Sex Appeal Cheat the fact that theoretical foundations and perspectives of reflective teaching have been sufficiently investigated, some practical considerations, such as the role of the language teacher and learnersùnique personalities, as well as socio-cultural effects, have received scant attention in the literature. This paper is an attempt to study those issues and the conditions required to pave the way for better understanding and applying reflective teaching so that it can lead to more practical changes in the teaching process. Despite the importance of the implementation of reflective teaching practice in the classrooms, there is still limited research on English language teaching in Indonesian context relative to the attitude of reflective teachers as revealed in their reflection. This study examined three attitudes of reflective teachers San Andreas Sex Appeal Cheat proposed by Dewey, ie open-mindedness, wholeheartedness, and responsibility. They are considered as part of the keys in identifying the reflectivity state of the teacher. The findings reveal that both of the preservice teachers reflected the three attitudes in their reflection indicating their development in preparing themselves into more professional teacher. Since the beginning of the 20th-century specialists have strived for ways that could comprise language teaching methods, which can ensure the best results in language training and teaching classes. And there are various methods, especially in the first half of this century. Some language teaching experts progressed further than methods with the hope of earning more results. Only some of teachers' encouraged towards what is known as reflective teaching RT. The process of bridging the gap between experience and learning is called Reflection. RT teacher requires a good self-observations of self-assessment, the need to go on patrol in a way to ensure that teachers understand their classes so that they make their own classroom process improvements where needed. RT San Andreas Sex Appeal Cheat the process by which teachers reflect on their classroom procedures for collecting and analysing the descriptive facts that will be modified to show where the change can be made. RT gives teachers material and professional flexibility for teachers. Research and Innovation in Language Learning, This study examined three attitudes of reflective teachers as proposed by Dewey, i. The findings reveal that both of the preservice teachers reflected the three attitudes in their reflection indicating their development in p Reflective teachers are effective teachers. With this notion, teachers have to practice reflective teaching inside their classes to emphasize that they are effective teachers. Since teachers' practices are not always expected to be reflective, this study discovered the junior high school English teachers' reflective teaching practices. It further investigated their reflective teaching practices through the help of their principals and students; teachers' accounts in their teaching practices were itemized. Using inductive approach on theory generation through quantitativequalitative research, the findings revealed the English teachers' level of reflection, their teaching practices, and their accounts on their teaching practices. Analysis of the responses also revealed the different themes in the English teachers' reflective teaching practices, thus the emergence of perception theory on reflective teaching. In-service English teachers need to undergo self-reflection to know more of themselves as teachers and to base modifications of classroom procedures. The school administration may conduct in-service training on reflective teaching practices since these in-service English teachers do not have any seminar-workshops on reflective teaching to develop themselves in their reflective teaching practices. The aim of this study is to discuss the role of teachers in reflective teaching. The scope of this study is focused on explanations of reflective teaching from three experts. Reflective teaching is a holistic thought that enables a teacher to make choices and take alternative actions and allows teachers to think to improve teaching and learning decisions in the classroom. This study also discusses critical situations that can be created for good reflection practices such as strong support from the administration, reflection opportunities, collaboration with colleagues, storage of teaching portfolios and reflective writing, or journal writing.
Save dosyasını nereye atıyoruz? To browse Academia. Reflective teaching as the self-inquiry and evaluation of teacher performance has turned to be a buzzword in language teaching. Pedestrians riot ajlojyqy. Reflective teaching also faces several constraints, such as time constraints, school culture, and assessment problems. Yapay Zekanın Yanıtı Hata Bildir.
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