Cult Mainstore. SLURL: maps. I don't know why that is, but I am fascinated by language. Especially those who aren't widely known and spoken. Maybe a side effect that my own native language is a strange dialect that no one outside really understands. This song is one of those I stumbled upon by accident. I knew the versions in English, but a few years ago I watched a documentary of an actress and there was a brief scene where she sang this song in Hawaiian and it just. I loved it. Aloha 'Oe - Tia Carrere. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south and Iraq to the north and lies on the northwestern shore of the Persian Gulf. The name Kuwait is derived from the Arabic "akwat", the plural of "kout", meaning fortress built near water. The emirate covers an area of 20, square kilometres 6, sq mi and has a population of about 3. Historically, the region was the site of Characene, a major Parthian port for trade between India and Mesopotamia. The Bani Utbah tribe were the first permanent Arab settlers in the region and laid the foundation of the modern emirate. By 19th century, Kuwait came under the influence of the Ottoman Empire and after the World War I, it emerged as an independent sheikhdom under the protection of the British Empire. Kuwait's large oil fields were discovered in the late s. After it gained independence from the United Kingdom inthe nation's oil industry saw unprecedented growth. InKuwait was invaded and annexed by neighboring Iraq. The seven month-long Iraqi occupation came to an end after a direct military intervention by United States-led forces. Nearly Kuwaiti oil wells were set ablaze by the retreating Iraqi army resulting in a major environmental and economic catastrophe. Kuwait's infrastructure was badly damaged during the war and had to be rebuilt. Kuwait is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government, with Kuwait City serving 0537 777 85 52 Escort Bayan the country's political and economic capital. Kuwait is the eleventh richest country in the world per capita and has the highest human development index HDI in the Arab world. Once a small Persian Gulf sheikhdom known locally as a center for pearl diving and boat construction, Kuwait came to international prominence in the post-World War II era largely because of its enormous oil revenues. Yet its history as an autonomous political entity is much older, dating back to the eighteenth century. At that time, the town of Kuwait was settled by migrants from central Arabia who arrived at what was then a lightly populated fishing village under the suzerainty of the Bani Khalid tribe of Arabia. Members of one family, the Al Sabah, have ruled Kuwait from that time. In the postwar period, these men have supported, with some ambivalence, the strengthening of popular participation in decision making as provided for in the constitution. Kuwait is located at the far northwestern corner of the Persian Gulf. It is a small state of about At its most distant points, it is about kilometers north to south and kilometers east to west. Arabic, Gulf Spoken [afb]0537 777 85 52 Escort Bayan Kuwait Alternate names: Khaliji. Dialects: Kuwaiti Hadari Arabic. Mehri [gdq] 14, in Kuwait WCD.
Zaman 25 Mart 2008
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