In the National Court yesterday, he successfully referred an application of provisions of constitutional laws relating to his referral by the Public Prosecutor to the Supreme Court. This means Escort 2 Sierra Winter Oku tribunal has been temporarily halted until the Supreme Court rules on the constitutional issues. The tribunal comprises retired New Zealand judge Sir Peter Blanchard chairman and members retired Australian Federal Court judge John von Boussa and Justice Salatiel Lenalia who were appointed last November 27 to inquire into the alleged misconduct against the PM. CONTINUED PAGE 3. Picture: MARK TALIA. T HAS been over a week since the tragic shooting of Lae resident and young mother Moanna Pisimi. She died from a heavy loss of blood after being shot in the head as she drove away from a security company truck and police who were both in hot pursuit, of what they suspected was a stolen vehicle driven by criminals. The public outcry compelled the Lae Metropolitan Superintendent Iven Lakatani to come out recently defending the actions of his officers in the lead-up to the tragedy. Sadly, a week after the death of the woman, authorities on the ground including the police do not appear to be making progress in terms of finding the perpetrators. There is now a danger of the case falling off the radar for those in authority and not given the urgency that it deserves due to the seriousness of the crime. The delay by the Lae police to make progress on this particular case will only frustrate ordinary Papua New Guineans and result in more criticism of the constabulary. Criticism of the Royal PNG Constabulary, which has a proud history dating back to World War II, is at its lowest than ever before. Ironically, the Lae police have a chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of the public by making a concerted effort to investigate and identify the killer or killers who fired the shots which led to the death of the woman. The announcement by the Police Commissioner recently to get Port Moresby-based detectives despatched to Lae to begin the investigations should be fast-tracked. The commissioner should get the investigations underway as any further delays will be detrimental to the constabulary and its reputation. The suggestion by Mr Lakatani for a coronial inquest to establish the cause of death should Escort 2 Sierra Winter Oku seriously considered. The benefits of a coronial inquest is that it is independent of the government including the constabulary and it could look at the police handling of the matter in the lead-up to the shooting incident. The policing methods that our policemen and women employ in their strive to protect lives and property and maintain order continues to be called into question. The increasing loss of lives following police intervention is becoming a big concern for Papua New Guineans. They continue to appeal to the RPNGC top brass to address and put an end to extrajudicial killings at the hands of police officers. With the recent terror attacks Escort 2 Sierra Winter Oku the French capital Paris, Papua New Guineans took to social media yesterday to highlight the ability of French authorities to take in two suspects some 12 hours after the shooting. They did an analysis of the prompt action by the French authorities in comparison to the efforts of the PNG police in the Moanna Pisimi case, and it does not look good from a PNG perspective. It is time to change attitudes and culture within the constabulary. Asia news Power state of emergency illegal THE declaration of a state of emergency to deal with commercial issues is unconstitutional and illegal, says Sinasina-Yongomugl MP Kerenga Kua. Mr Kua, a lawyer by profession, said the move to declare a state of emergency on electricity services was the wrong solution. He said the powers given under the Constitution for the declaration of a state of emergency only applies in times of great national crisis or emergency due to war, very serious civil disturbances such as organised attacks on many government offices, or natural disaster, such as famine, earthquake or fire. However, Public Enterprise. SINASINA-YONGOMUGL MP Kerenga Kua says the declaration of the state of emergency is illegal. and State Investment Minister Ben Micah said the state of emergency was specifically targeting essential services like power and does not infringe on the constitutional rights of the people. He said the Essential Services Act provides for Cabinet to declare a state of emergency on essential services like power, water and transport. He said the grounds for the. state of emergency are the financial difficulties and illegal use of power, which are affecting the overall supply of electricity to the majority of people. He said the controller is appointed under the delegated powers of the minister and must not be confused with the SOE that the MP for SinasinaYongomugl is talking about. Group defends emergency CHAIR of the emergency working group Clement Waine said declaring a state of emergency is covered in the Essential Services Act of Mr Waine said all the ingredients for proclaiming an emergency for an essential service were specific and clearly stated in this legislation. FROM PAGE 1 THE Supreme Court will firstly decide on whether the Public Prosecutor was permitted to seek further evidence from the Ombudsman Commission before making the decision to proceed with the matter and refer it to the leadership tribunal. It will also rule on whether the Public Prosecutor could amend the matter by, for example, adding to or varying the misconduct allegations. Secondly, if answers to these questions are negative, the Supreme Court is asked to rule whether the Public Prosecutor had the jurisdiction to investigate, inquire into and determine the misconduct in office allegations against the Prime Minister. Justice Cannings said the granting of these orders to the Prime Minister was in the interests of justice Escort 2 Sierra Winter Oku the tribunal would not be put in a position of being obliged to conduct its proceedings while constitutional questions that would have an impact on whether it has jurisdiction, are in the process of being heard and determined. LEADERS who welcome public scrutiny will get votes of approval from ordinary Papua New Guineans.
Easy high-quality young ladies near, everyone probably would not possibly be tired in the stop by at Liverpool. One more chance. The South Koreans told the Post-Courier that because of the court case surrounding the hotel, they were moving cautiously. Hereafter such ignorance should not be possible. Dependent territories.
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The heights on the eastern flank of the mile wide 2 br/2 full ba, on acres. 2 mi. Flats, Asking $, Call () , ext. a country in the Levant region of West Asia, bordered by Syria to the north and east, Israel to the south, and the Mediterranean Sea to the west Addresses and Proceedings of the Congress on Africa: Held under the Auspices of the Stewart Missionary Foundation for Africa of Gammon Theological Seminary It was founded during the Civil War as a base camp for a cavalry regiment fighting the Paiutes on warpath. from El. Dorado National Forest. 19 Reg#. In Grizzly.A law determines the cases in which the French language is to be used". In general, meals are finished with Arabic coffee and fresh fruit , though sometimes a selection of traditional sweets will be offered as well. In April the killing of two UNIFIL soldiers and the injuring of a third by the South Lebanon Army, near At Tiri , in the buffer zone led to the At Tiri incident. Experience in some large districts seems to show clearly that if you can double the points of contact between the natives and the civilizing influences, governmental, religious, educative, industrial, commercial, you more than double the good results; for the multiplicity of reputable foreign enterprises and stations, as a rule, increases the security of the native and hastens the day when the fact begins to dawn upon him that the good things brought to him, in other words, civilization, mean a diminution of his sufferings and an augmentation of his well-being. There are nearly stations of the State Page 42 and of the Belgian and Dutch trading companies scattered over the upper Congo and most of them are centers of the rubber trade. You may as well attempt to understand and comprehend the astronomy of the heavens as the possibilities of your school. Main articles: 17 October Revolution and Lebanese liquidity crisis. They tend their herds of camels, horses, oxen and sheep, while their limited agriculture is left to domestic slaves. That is right. As we rounded one bend Kevin stopped off to the side of the road a coffee tree. There are also good spirits. In the face of intense British pressure and protests by Lebanese nationalists, the French reluctantly released the government officials on 22 November , and accepted the independence of Lebanon. The urban population in Lebanon is noted for its commercial enterprise. Related articles. Archived from the original on 13 May Lebanon at Wikipedia's sister projects :. If anyone were to ask me what the world will do with the desert of Sahara, I should tell him that we do not know; but we know, at least, that an edge of that desert has been made to blossom by the irrigation works of the French. The United Kingdom, fearing that Nazi Germany would gain full control of Lebanon and Syria by pressure on the weak Vichy government, sent its army into Syria and Lebanon. S Apthorpe 7— sV PLATINUM STATE 7 th B R Guy He urged the public to report such scammers to the bank. Archived from the original on 29 April The medicine man is often called to drive them away by shooting at them, or supplying individuals who are spirit-frightened with a charm or fetich as a protection. It is the man whose chief employment is to make fetiches, who knows the nature of diseases, foretells the future, and is in closer touch with the god or gods. Bloomberg News. Posted by: ingenePoord The Lebanese state has created several nature reserves that contain cedars, including the Shouf Biosphere Reserve , the Jaj Cedar Reserve, the Tannourine Reserve, the Ammouaa and Karm Shbat Reserves in the Akkar district, and the Forest of the Cedars of God near Bsharri. Sent out odds-on first up but was never in the right spot after messy start. Archived from the original on 30 January He said just recently, two boats with passengers on board almost went missing at sea. A different technique to simply record any property taxes is usually to identify a taxation system that can assist you report the challenging taxes for your smallish service charge.